Blooming Bloody Spider

In the early 1900’s a book called Camp and Camino in Lower California was published by Arthur Walbridge North. Considered a historic work, it is a story of a young man exploring Baja California in the early 1900s. In this book was a song written for adults called Blooming, Bloody Spider. Well, the words have been changed a bit but we teach it to our children to this day in the form of Itsy Bitsy Spider. This classic nursery rhyme, also known as Incy Wincy Spider in some cultures, has several modern versions that have evolved. In an early version from 1910, the spider climbs up the spider web instead of a waterspout, highlighting the evolution of the lyrics over time. All about the little spider that got washed out in all the rain. Well, there is truth to this song. The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the waterspout, only to be washed the spider away by the bloody rain, a phrase from an earlier version of the song. And if you live In Oklahoma you are probably experiencing what happens when it rains and all the spiders that come with it. The rain, especially the abundance of rain that we have had lately, washes out the habitat of the spider, as well as its prey. In the original lyrics, the blooming bloody sun would come out and dry up all the rain, allowing the spider to climb again. So what is a spider to do but head indoors to get out of the rain? This phenomenon is reminiscent of the spider climbing up the waterspout in the popular nursery rhyme. Right into your home. Just in case you haven’t experienced this overwhelming presence of spiders in your home before and are wondering what you can do about it, don’t worry, we are here to help. The Itsy Bitsy Spider, a popular nursery rhyme, has been preserved in collections like American Folk Songs for Children and publications by the California Folklore Society. We have treatments effective on a short-term basis as well as programs designed to protect you and your loved ones from spiders, and a multitude of other household insects on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The spider song, with its engaging hand movements involving the index finger, has entertained children for generations. We have monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly packages to serve a variety of needs and budgets as well as one-time service calls if you just want to try us out. If you are getting sick of the spiders and are ready to take your home back, we would love to hear from you and are available to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call and let’s chat!