Have You Really Ever Eaten A Spider While Sleeping?

Eaten a spider while sleeping

Have you ever heard the saying “the average person swallows 8 spiders a year while sleeping”? This myth about eating spiders can be quite unsettling, but you can relax because it’s not very likely. The notion that people eat spiders while they are sleeping is a myth. According to an article by Scientific American, “The myth flies in the face of both spider and human biology, which makes it highly unlikely that a spider would ever end up in your mouth…” Spiders are generally not out to hunt you, and they probably dislike seeing you about as much as you dislike seeing them. As you breathe, sleep, and snore, vibrations likely terrify spiders and warn them of danger. It seems unlikely they would crawl into your mouth’s moist, dark cavern, the very source of such sounds.

Just in case the deck is stacked against you in some statistical freak of nature that the spiders of the world are out to prove science wrong, or you just have a bad case of Murphy’s law, here are a few things you can do to increase your odds of not eating a spider while sleeping.

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  1. Stay away from snacking in bed. Insects look for readily available food and crumbs, and spiders look for places with readily available insects. Stop the cycle.
  2. Keep your space clean. Keeping your room clean and clutter-free makes a big difference. Many spiders, especially the ones we least want to see (think black widow and brown recluse), look for dark, untouched spaces to hide out in. Regular dusting and vacuuming help a lot. Also, don’t let laundry piles collect on the floor.
  3. Seal cracks and crevices around windows and doors. Otherwise, you may as well roll out a welcome mat. Spiders will happen, but there is no need to make it easy for them. Door sweeps at the bottom of doors will help make doorways less accessible.
  4. Any exterior lighting near the home will attract bugs. Spiders go where the bugs are. If there isn’t a reason to keep these exterior lights on at night, turning them off will help decrease the number of bugs drawn to your home.
  5. If you want to decrease the chances of eating a spider while sleeping, call us. We have monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly plans to suit various needs and budgets. Concerned about chemical usage in your home? Ask us about our organic options available! 405-777-9393

The Myth of Swallowing Spiders

The myth that humans swallow spiders in their sleep is a widespread urban legend debunked by experts. The claim that people eat eight spiders a year while sleeping is a common myth that the internet and popular culture have perpetuated. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Spiders are not attracted to humans and are not likely to crawl into our mouths while we sleep. Spiders prefer to stay away from humans and are more interested in hunting other insects than making a home in your mouth.

Historical Origins of the Myth

The myth that humans swallow spiders in their sleep has been around for decades, but its exact origin is somewhat murky. One possible source is a 1993 article by arachnologist Norman Platnick, who estimated that the average person might swallow eight spiders in their lifetime. However, this estimate was likely based on misunderstanding the actual data. The true number of spiders ingested by humans is likely much lower if it happens at all. The myth gained further traction in the 1990s and 2000s through online forums and social media, where it was often repeated and exaggerated. It’s fascinating how such myths can spread like wildfire, turning a simple misunderstanding into a widely accepted “fact.”

Why People Believe the Myth

So, why do people believe this myth? One reason is that it taps into our deep-seated fear of spiders. Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, is one of the most common phobias, and the idea of swallowing spiders in our sleep is a nightmare come true. The myth is often repeated and has become a popular urban legend, making it seem more believable. However, experts say the likelihood of a spider crawling into a person’s mouth while sleeping is extremely low, as spiders crawl away from potential threats. The myth persists because it preys on our fears and is easy to spread.

Psychological Impact of the Myth

The idea that humans swallow spiders in their sleep can have a significant psychological impact, especially for those with arachnophobia. The mere thought of an eight-legged critter crawling into your mouth while you sleep can evoke disgust, anxiety, and fear. For some, this myth can even trigger a phobic response, causing them to become excessively fearful of spiders and avoid situations where they might encounter them. This myth also perpetuates negative attitudes towards spiders, reinforcing that they are creepy, crawly, and dangerous. It’s important to remember that while the fear is real, the likelihood of swallowing spiders in your sleep is extremely low.

The Reality of Spider Encounters During Sleep

In reality, spiders are not interested in crawling into human mouths. Most spiders are solitary and would have good reason to avoid a potential threat, such as a sleeping human, as they can sense vibrations and air currents. Spiders are also not attracted to the vibrations and air currents emitted by a sleeping person, which would likely warn them away. Furthermore, sleepers tend to swallow much less during deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, providing fewer opportunities for spiders to be swallowed. So, rest easy knowing that most spiders are not plotting to crawl into your mouth while you snooze.

Scientific Studies on Spider Behavior

Scientific studies on spider behavior consistently show that spiders are not attracted to humans and are unlikely to crawl into our mouths while we sleep. Most spiders are solitary creatures that prefer to avoid human contact. They have a range of sensory organs that help them detect and avoid potential threats. For instance, wolf spiders are highly sensitive to vibrations and can detect the slightest movements of potential prey or predators. Despite their poor eyesight, Daddy longlegs have highly developed sensory organs that allow them to navigate their environment effectively. These eight-legged critters are far more interested in hunting other insects than making a home in your mouth.

Debunking the Claim of Eating Eight Spiders

The claim that people eat eight spiders yearly while sleeping is a gross exaggeration. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that people swallow any spiders at all during sleep. Another common misconception is that spider bites are frequent and dangerous, but they are rare and usually harmless. Spider experts say that the idea of a spider crawling into a person’s mouth while sleeping is highly unlikely and that the human body is not a suitable environment for spiders to survive. Additionally, most people breathe through their nose while sleeping, making it even more difficult for a spider to crawl into their mouth. So, the next time you hear this claim, you can confidently debunk it.

Common Misconceptions About Spiders

Several common misconceptions about spiders contribute to the persistence of the myth that humans swallow spiders in their sleep. One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that spiders are aggressive and will bite humans without provocation. In reality, most spiders are harmless to humans and only bite in self-defense. Another misconception is that spiders are attracted to human flesh and crawl into our mouths while sleeping. In truth, spiders are attracted to other insects and are unlikely to crawl into human mouths unless they are accidentally ingested. Understanding these misconceptions can help alleviate some of the fear and anxiety associated with spiders.

The Truth About Swallowing Spiders and Spider Behavior

Spiders are intelligent beings with a keen awareness of their surroundings and are not likely to make poor decisions such as crawling into a human mouth. If a spider crawled on a sleeping person, it would likely be detected and brushed away before entering the mouth. Most spiders are predators that feed on other insects and are not interested in humans as a food source. Spiders benefit the ecosystem, helping control insect populations and keeping our homes pest-free. So, the next time you hear someone claim that people swallow spiders in their sleep, you can set the record straight and debunk this urban legend. Spiders are more interested in catching their next meal than becoming one.

Preventive Measures for Peaceful Sleep

While the risk of swallowing a spider in your sleep is extremely low, you can still take some preventive measures to ensure a peaceful and spider-free sleep. Keeping your bedroom clean and tidy, removing any clutter or debris that might attract spiders, is one of the most effective measures. Using a mattress cover and washing your bedding regularly can also reduce the risk of spider infestation. Additionally, using a dehumidifier to lower the moisture levels in your bedroom can make it less appealing to spiders. Finally, relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to sleep more soundly and peacefully.